Monday, December 1, 2008

Raw Food Revenge

Thanksgiving came and went. The cooking done and gone. The leftovers given away. And now, I can face the bathroom scale. Phew. Not too bad. Only gained 3 pounds and I'm sure that was all pecan pie. but I know from experience that weight quickly gained, will be quickly lost.

So, I'm back on the high fat, high protein diet trail and feeling really good. Dr. Salerno would be proud.

You may have heard about the raw food cult. Its actually an idea that comes and goes, but it seems to be here again. I don't really know the reasons for it, but I do know there's one raw food that's really flavorful and healthy and that's salmon. Today, I made a salmon ceviche, put it on a base of thinly sliced cucumbers and minced green bell pepper. It was fantastic and I didn't feel the least bit punished.

Which is big for me. I am happy to stay on this strict regimen of mostly protein and fat, provided I don't have to suffer. Trust me when I tell you. With this recipe., you won't suffer.

And you can count yourself lucky to be eating all those Omega 6's in the salmon as well as the vitamin C in the peppers. You will like this dish, and it will like you. Enjoy! Be sure to buy sushi grade wild caught salmon. Coho is a great choice, but any deeply rose colored salmon that is squeaky fresh will do.

To make this look great, form the salmon using a mold or a tuna fish can with both ends cut out of it.

makes 4 to 6 servings

  • 12 ounces wild caught coho salmon fillets, sliced thinly
  • 2 limes
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 juice orange
  • Finely chopped orange rind
  • 6 tbsp coconut milk
  • 1 tsp red Thai paste
  • Thinly sliced cucumber
  • Minced green bell pepper
  • fresh cilantro

Slice the raw salmon fillets thinly and lay in a dish. Squeeze over the lime and lemon juices. Add zest from lemon and lime. Cover and refrigerate up to 24 hours.

Meanwhile, dip orange rind into boiling water. Let it stand a few minutes, then drain, and finely chop. Pour orange juice over it and set it aside. Mix the coconut milk and red Thai paste together and then add some of the citrus juice and fresh coriander. Chop salmon and mix with coconut, Thai paste mixture. Chill up to 4 hours. Then, at serving time, form into squares or rounds.

On a chilled plate, make a bed of cucumber, bell pepper, and cilantro. Transfer a block of salmon. then top with a sprinkling of orange rind and a jot of finely minced cilantro.


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